Welcome to the Salt Lake City Chapter - National Society of The Sons of Utah Pioneers.


We meet in the Tenth Ward Chapel
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
SUP Salt Lake City Chapter

The Sons of Utah Pioneers ~ Salt Lake City Chapter
September 2024 Newsletter

~ Chapter Activities ~ Thursday, September 12, 2024 ~ 7:00 PM
Tenth Ward Chapel - 420 South 800 East, Salt Lake City, Utah

Guest speaker:   Clark B. Hinckley
Subject:   Christopher Columbus

Clark B Hinckley
Clark is a historian by avocation but spent most of his professional career in the banking industry.   A former Senior Vice President of Zions Bank, he continues to serve on the bank's advisory board.   He earned a bachelor's degree in mathematics from Brigham Young University and an MBA from Harvard University.

Clark's primary historical interests are Columbus and the late 15th and early 16th century, Utah pioneers, and Plymouth Colony.   His current project is a biography of Governor Thomas Hinckley, the last governor of Plymouth Colony and Clark's eighth great-grandfather.   His publications include Christopher Columbus: A Man Among the Gentiles, and Rescued: The Courageous Journey of Mary Goble Pay

Last 2 months - July and August
We recommended the July 4th celebrations and SUPerDUPer Day at This Is The Place Park held in the Pavilion to the west side of the park (no admission fee).

Emily Belle Freeman, General Young Women's President, was the featured speaker at the SUPerDUPer Day event, and she treated us to a display of an ancestor's skill at quilt making, a cryptic entry in one ancestor's journal "Left the Mississippi and arrived in the Salt Lake Valley without seeing one particle of rain or snow."   and said "that's all we have!"   She shared the common threads she has found in pioneer histories, parallels between the people of Israel in the Old Testament and the pioneers, and the Latter-day Saints today, "Susanna Stone Lloyd (who sacrificed everything to come to Zion, including trading her last possession - a mirror - for some buffalo meat), and the Church News article includes some inspirational reactions from some young women who heard her stories.   ((A bonus - some Salt Lake City Chapter members made the photo))

Elder Evan A. Schmutz of the Seventy was the featured speaker at the Days of '47 Sunrise Service held on the 24th of July at the Chapel at 95 State Street.   Then there was the Days of '47 Parade, both of which were well worth attending.

Elder Schmutz offered 5 key principles that today's Saints can learn from the pioneers.   He also pointed out that Brigham Young asked William Clayton, a member of the Council of Fifty, to write a song to encourage Church members in their anticipated darkest times as they left Nauvoo to go west, and within two hours he penned the lyrics to 'Come, Come Ye Saints', and Elder Schmutz said "Surely the Lord revealed this hymn as a comfort and a strength to His people in their coming trials".

We left August open which is generally full of family reunions, vacation escapes, school. preparations, or just staying out of the heat.   We welcome you back to our fall programs.

® Published by the Salt Lake City Chapter, Sons of Utah Pioneers.
August 31, 2024 ~ by Alonzo Cook

To subscribe or unsubscribe email:   SUP Salt Lake City Chapter


A Brief History of the Salt Lake City Chapter

National Society of Sons of Utah Pioneers

There are about 45 chapters nationwide, most of them in the intermountain west.

The mission of the society is to come to know our fathers and turn our hearts to them, preserve their memory and heritage, honor present-day pioneers worldwide, and teach these qualities to the rising generation.

We honor the Utah Pioneers for their faith in God, devotion to family, loyalty to church and country, hard work and service to others, courage in adversity, personal integrity, and unyielding determination.


Membership in the society is open to all good men of every age and circumstance who have an interest in the early Utah Pioneers and wish to honor them, perpetuate their memory and preserve their heritage for posterity.


Join Now and affiliate with a chapter.

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